Word of Encouragement – 8th June 2024

Igala Bible – Dec 2022

Grace, Hope & Peace, Friend;

In his account, John introduced Jesus as God’s eternal Word who ‘became flesh, and dwelt among us.” (John 1:1 & 14) and Jesus said, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father except through Me.” (John 14:6)

Lately, I have been thinking about Jesus as ‘God’s message to humanity‘. This morning, as I read the last few stanzas of Psalm 119, I substituted Jesus’ name wherever the psalmist mentions God’s words to us – the Law, His testimonies, His commandments, His judgments, etc.

I cried out with all my heart; answer me, Lord! I will comply with Jesus.
I cried to You; save me and I shall follow Jesus.
I rise before dawn and cry for help; I wait for Jesus.
My eyes anticipate the night watches, so that I may meditate on Jesus.
Hear my voice according to Your faithfulness; Revive me, Lord, according to Jesus.
Those who follow after wickedness approach; They are far from Jesus.
You are near, Lord, and Jesus is truth.
From long ago I have known from Jesus that You have founded Him forever.

Psalm 119:145-152 (Applied)

May you be encouraged and blessed as to contemplate God’s message to YOU.

Jesus said to them, “Come and have breakfast.”

John 21:13a

Yeshua, Dvar Hashem – Jesus, God’s Word – Thank You for sharing love with me.

Jesus is refined, Therefore I love Him.

Psalm 119:140 (Applied)

Your Creator loves YOU,

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