Word of Encouragement – 19th May 2024

WY Sunset – Nov 2023 (Nancy’s picture)

Grace, Hope & Peace, Friend;

John begins his account of Jesus’ life on earth with a clear description of WHO Jesus is;

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

John 1:1

In Genesis 1, we see Jesus right there at creation; “God said, “Let there be light!” (Vs. 3) Nine other times in that chapter, we read “God said,” including; God said, “Let Us make mankind in Our image.” (Vs. 26) So John wrote,

All things came into being through Him, and apart from Him not even one thing came into being that has come into being.

John 1:3

In God’s Word is the life that reveals God to humanity – “the Light of mankind.” (John 1:4) But, for the most part, humanity rejected Him (Vs. 10-11)

But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, to those who believe in His name,

John 1:12

How did the Word reveal God to humanity?

The Word became flesh, and dwelt among us; and we saw His glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth.

John 1:14

Jesus became Immanuel – God with us; (Matthew 1:23) And He said, “I am the Light of the world; the one who follows Me will not walk in the darkness, but will have the Light of life.” (John 8:12)

With His Light, Jesus told US to be, “The light of the world.” (Matthew 5:14)

Yeshua, Ohr HaOlam – Jesus, Light of the World – thank You for revealing Yourself to humanity.

You, Lord, remain forever, and Your name remains to all generations.

Psalm 102:12

Reveal Him to those you meet,

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