Word of Encouragement – 22nd Mar 2024

Twisted – Olokwu, Nigeria – Nov 2014

Grace, Hope & Peace, Friend;

The Jews had an expectation of what the Messiah would be – a conquering warrior who would return Israel to her ‘glory days.’ Jesus did not seem to fit that mold so, sitting in Herod’s prison, John the Baptist sent his disciples to ask Jesus, “Are You the Coming One, or are we to look for someone else?” Jesus told them to go report to John what they had seen – miracles prophesied by Isaiah in Isaiah 35:5-6 and 61:1) – and Jesus added, “Blessed is any person who does not take offense at Me.” (Matthew 11:2-6) “Blessed are those who accept Me for who I am without trying to twist Me to fit their expectations.

After John’s disciples left, Jesus spoke about how John may not have met their expectations from prophecy; (Malachi 3:1) But, He said, “This is the one about whom it is written: ‘Behold, I am sending My messenger ahead of You, who will prepare Your way before You.’” (Matthew 11:7-11)

Then Jesus said what I believe is a stern warning, to all of us today,

From the days of John the Baptist until now the kingdom of heaven has been treated violently, and violent men take it by force.

Matthew 11:12

Since Jesus first started preaching that the kingdom of heaven was here, (Matthew 4:17) the religious and political leaders had vehemently opposed Him. Trying to force Him into the mold of their expectations. And ultimately, when He wouldn’t fit, they killed Him – the height of violence.

What is the warning to us today?

Don’t try to fit God into the mold of OUR expectations.” When we say things like, “Because God is Holy, He can’t tolerate being around sinners,” or “Because God is love, He wouldn’t allow anyone to suffer,” are we trying to force our expectations on Him? Jesus sat and ate with sinners, and He drove the dishonest merchants out of the temple with a whip. (Luke 15:2 and John 2:15) How do those actions fit our ‘opinions?’

“My thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways My ways,” declares the Lord.
“And blessed is any person who does not take offense at Me.”

Isaiah 55:8 & Matthew 11:6

Adoni and Elohai – My Lord, and my God – I know You are sovereign. Keep me from trying to force Your word to fit my expectations.

I will not trust in my bow, nor will my sword save me.

Psalm 44:6

He is God and we are not,

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